

Que bom que você quis conhecer nossa biblioteca!  Aqui você encontrará links para estudos científicos importantes para direcionar a prática transfusional em várias especialidades clínicas e cirúrgicas. Todos os artigos disponibilizados nessa área são de acesso gratuito a partir de sites internacionais de busca. São artigos que geraram boa evidência científica e  trouxeram impacto em nossa prática diária. Seja bem vindo a nossa sala de estudo! 

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The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: sixth edition. Rossaint, R., Afshari, A., Bouillon, B. et al. Crit Care 27, 80 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-023-04327-7


Randomized Trial of Platelet-Transfusion Thresholds in Neonates
Anna Curley, M.D., Simon J. Stanworth, F.R.C.P., D.Phil., Karen Willoughby, B.Sc., Susanna F. Fustolo‑Gunnink, M.D., Vidheya Venkatesh, M.D., Cara Hudson, M.Sc., Alison Deary, M.Sc., Renate Hodge, M.Sc., Valerie Hopkins, B.Sc., Beatriz Lopez Santamaria, M.Sc., Ana Mora, Ph.D., Charlotte Llewelyn, Ph.D.,Angela D’Amore, M.D., Rizwan Khan, M.R.C.P.I., Wes Onland, M.D., Ph.D., Enrico Lopriore, M.D., Ph.D., Karin Fijnvandraat, M.D., Ph.D.,Helen  New, F.R.C.Path., Ph.D., Paul Clarke, M.D., and Timothy Watts, M.D., for the PlaNeT2 MATISSE Collaborators
N Engl J Med 2019; 380:242-251 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1807320

Higher or Lower Hemoglobin Transfusion
Thresholds for Preterm Infants

H. Kirpalani, E.F. Bell, S.R. Hintz, S. Tan, B. Schmidt, A.S. Chaudhary,
K.J. Johnson, M.M. Crawford, J.E. Newman, B.R. Vohr, W.A. Carlo, C.T. D’Angio, K.A. Kennedy, R.K. Ohls, B.B. Poindexter, K. Schibler, R.K. Whyte, J.A. Widness, J.A.F. Zupancic, M.H. Wyckoff, W.E. Truog, M.C. Walsh, V.Y. Chock, A.R. Laptook, G.M. Sokol, B.A. Yoder, R.M. Patel, C.M. Cotten, M.F. Carmen, U. Devaskar, S. Chawla, R. Seabrook, R.D. Higgins, and A. Das, for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Neonatal Research Network
N Engl J Med 2020; 383:2639-2651 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2020248

Restrictive Transfusion Strategy Is More Effective in Massive Burns: Results of the TRIBE Multicenter Prospective Randomized Trial
Tina L. Palmieri ; James H. Holmes; Brett Arnoldo; Michael Peck; Amalia Cochran; COL Booker T. King, MC, USA; William Dominic; Robert Cartotto; Dhaval Bhavsar; Edward Tredget; Francois Stapelberg; David Mozingo; Bruce Friedman; Soman Sen; Sandra L. Taylor;
Brad H. Pollock
Military Medicine, 184, 3/4:11, 2019

Effects of Liberal vs Restrictive Transfusion Thresholds on Survival and Neurocognitive Outcomes in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants. The ETTNO Randomized Clinical Trial 

Axel R. Franz, MD1; Corinna Engel, PhD; Dirk Bassler, MD; et al 
JAMA. 2020;324(6):560-570. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.10690

A Multicenter, Randomized, Control
led Clinical Trial of Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care – TRICC 

Paul C. Hébert, M.D., George Wells, Ph.D., Morris A. Blajchman, M.D., John Marshall, M.D., Claudio Martin, M.D., Giuseppe Pagliarello, M.D., Martin Tweeddale, M.D., Ph.D., Irwin Schweitzer, M.Sc., and Elizabeth Yetisir, M.Sc. the Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care Investigators for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group

Dose of Prophylactic Platelet Transfusions and Prevention of
Hemorrhage – PLADO
Sherrill J. Slichter, M.D., Richard M. Kaufman, M.D., Susan F. Assmann, Ph.D., Jeffrey
McCullough, M.D., Darrell J. Triulzi, M.D., Ronald G. Strauss, M.D., Terry B. Gernsheimer,
M.D., Paul M. Ness, M.D., Mark E. Brecher, M.D., Cassandra D. Josephson, M.D., Barbara A.
Konkle, M.D., Robert D. Woodson, M.D., Thomas L. Ortel, M.D., Ph.D., Christopher D. Hillyer,
M.D., Donna L. Skerrett, M.D., Keith R. McCrae, M.D., Steven R. Sloan, M.D., Ph.D., Lynne Uhl,
M.D., James N. George, M.D., Victor M. Aquino, M.D., Catherine S. Manno, M.D., Janice G.
McFarland, M.D., John R. Hess, M.D., Cindy Leissinger, M.D., and Suzanne Granger, M.S.
From the Puget Sound Blood Center and University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle (S.J.S.,
T.B.G.); Brigham and Women’s Hospital (R.M.K.), Children’s Hospital Boston (S.R.S.), and Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center (L.U.) — all in Boston; New England Research Institutes,
Watertown, MA (S.F.A., S.G.); Fairview–University Medical Center, Minneapolis (J.M.); University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (D.J.T.); University of Iowa, Iowa City (R.G.S.); Johns Hopkins University
(P.M.N.) and University of Maryland ( J.R.H.) — both in Baltimore; University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill (M.E.B.); Emory University, Atlanta (C.D.J., C.D.H.); University of Pennsylvania (B.A.K.)
and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (C.S.M.) — both in Philadelphia; Blood Center of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, and University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison (R.D.W., J.G.M.); Duke University,
Durham, NC (T.L.O.); Weill College of Cornell University, New York (D.L.S.); Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland (K.R.M.); University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City ( J.N.G.); University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas (V.M.A.); and Tulane University Hospital and Clinics,
New Orleans (C.L.).

Transfusion Strategies for Patients in Pediatric
ntensive Care Units
Jacques Lacroix, M.D., Paul C. Hébert, M.D., James S. Hutchison, M.D., Heather A. Hume, M.D., Marisa Tucci, M.D., Thierry Ducruet, M.Sc., France Gauvin, M.D., Jean-Paul Collet, M.D., Ph.D., Baruch J. Toledano, M.D., Pierre Robillard, M.D., Ari Joffe, M.D., Dominique Biarent, M.D., et al., for the TRIPICU Investigators, the
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group, and the Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators Network

Lower versus Higher Hemoglobin Threshold for Transfusion in Septic Shock – TRISS
Lars B. Holst, M.D., Nicolai Haase, M.D., Ph.D., Jørn Wetterslev, M.D., Ph.D., Jan Wernerman, M.D., Ph.D., Anne B. Guttormsen, M.D., Ph.D., Sari Karlsson, M.D., Ph.D., Pär I. Johansson, M.D., Ph.D., Anders Åneman, M.D., Ph.D., Marianne L. Vang, M.D., Robert Winding, M.D., Lars Nebrich, M.D., Helle L. Nibro, M.D., Ph.D., et al., for the TRISS Trial Group and the Scandinavian Critical Care Trials Group*

Restrictive or Liberal Red-Cell Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery
C. David Mazer, M.D., Richard P. Whitlock, M.D., Ph.D., Dean A. Fergusson, Ph.D., M.H.A., Judith Hall, M.Sc., Emilie Belley-Cote, M.D., Katherine Connolly, M.D., Boris Khanykin, M.D., Alexander J. Gregory, M.D., Étienne de Médicis, M.D., Shay McGuinness, M.B., Ch.B., Alistair Royse, M.B., B.S., M.D., François M. Carrier, M.D., et al., for the TRICS Investigators and Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group*

Six-Month Outcomes after Restrictive or Liberal Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery
C. David Mazer, M.D., Richard P. Whitlock, M.D., Ph.D., Dean A. Fergusson, Ph.D., Emilie Belley-Cote, M.D., Katherine Connolly, M.D., Boris Khanykin, M.D., Alexander J. Gregory, M.D., Étienne de Médicis, M.D., François M. Carrier, M.D., Shay McGuinness, M.B., Ch.B., Paul J. Young, F.C.I.C.M., Ph.D., Kelly Byrne, M.B., Ch.B., et al., for the TRICS Investigators and Perioperative Anesthesia Clinical Trials Group*

Transfusion Strategies for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Càndid Villanueva, M.D., Alan Colomo, M.D., Alba Bosch, M.D., Mar Concepción, M.D., Virginia Hernandez-Gea, M.D., Carles Aracil, M.D., Isabel Graupera, M.D., María Poca, M.D., Cristina
Alvarez-Urturi, M.D., Jordi Gordillo, M.D., Carlos Guarner-Argente, M.D., Miquel Santaló, M.D., et al.

Prophylactic platelet transfusion plus supportive care versus supportive care alone in adults with dengue and thrombocytopenia: a multicentre, open-label, randomised, superiority trial
Dr David C Lye, FRACP, Sophia Archuleta, MD, Sharifah F Syed-Omar, MMed, Jenny G Low, MRCP, Helen M Oh, FRCP, Yuan Wei, MS, Prof Dale Fisher, FRACP, Sasheela S L Ponnampalavanar, MMed, Limin Wijaya, MRCP, Linda K Lee, MPH, Prof Eng-Eong Ooi, PhD, Prof Adeeba Kamarulzaman, FRACP, Prof Lucy C Lum, MRCP, Prof Paul A Tambyah, MD, Prof Yee-Sin Leo, FRCP

Transfusion related adverse events in the Platelet Dose study
Richard M. Kaufman, Susan F. Assmann, Darrell J. Triulzi, Ronald G. Strauss, Paul Ness,
Suzanne Granger, and Sherrill J. Slichter
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA; Center for Statistical Analysis and Research, New England Research Institutes, Watertown, MA; University of Pittsburgh, Department of Pathology, Division of Transfusion Medicine Pittsburgh, PA; University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA; Transfusion Medicine Division, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD; Puget Sound Blood Center, University of Washington Medical Center, and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
Transfusion. 2015 January ; 55(1): 144–153. doi:10.1111/trf.12791.

Transfusion thresholds and other strategies for guiding allogeneic red blood cell transfusion
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Carson JL, Stanworth SJ, Roubinian N, Fergusson DA, Triulzi D, Doree C, Hebert PC.2016, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD002042.DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002042.pub4
http://Transfusion thresholds and other strategies for guiding allogeneic red blood cell transfusion.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Carson JL, Stanworth SJ, Roubinian N, Fergusson DA, Triulzi D, Doree C, Hebert PC.2016, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD002042.DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002042.pub4

Anemia at older age: etiologies, clinical implications, and management
Reinhard Stauder,Peter Valent, Igor Theurl
Blood 2018 131:505-514; doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2017-07-746446

Julie T. Vieth, MBChB*, David R. Lane, MD
Emerg Med Clin N Am – (2014)Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.emc.2014.04.007

How to Interpret and Pursue an Abnormal Complete Blood Cell Count in Adults. Concise Review For Clinicians
Ayalew Tefferi, MD; Curtis A. Hanson, MD; And David J. Inwards, MD
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, July 2005, Volume 80, Issue 7, Pages 923–936 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4065/80.7.923
ABERTO: https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(11)61568-1/fulltext

Vitamin B12 deficiency from the perspective of a practicing hematologist
Ralph Green
Blood, 11 may 2017, volume 129, number 19 Doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-10-569186
ABERTO: http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/129/19/2603.long?sso-checked=true

The patient with anemia.
Shander A, Javidroozi M.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2016 Jun;29(3):438-45. Doi: 10.1097/ACO.0000000000000340.

Anemia of Inflammation: A Review
Paula G. Fraenkel, MD

Med Clin North Am. 2017 March ; 101(2): 285–296. Doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2016.09.005
ABERTO: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5308549/

Hepcidin in the diagnosis of iron disorders
Domenico Girelli, Elizabeta Nemeth, and Dorine W. Swinkels

Blood, 9 june 2016, Vol. 127, Nº 23. DOI 10.1182/blood-2015-12-639112
ABERTO: http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/127/23/2809.long?sso-checked=true

Iron deficiency: new insights into diagnosis and treatment
Clara Camaschella
Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2015;2015:8-13. Doi: 10.1182/asheducation-2015.1.8
ABERTO: http://asheducationbook.hematologylibrary.org/content/2015/1/8.long

Understanding anemia of chronic disease
Paula G. Fraenkel
ASH Education BookDecember 5, 2015vol. 2015 no. 1 14-18 Doi:10.1182/asheducation-2015.1.14 
ABERTO: http://asheducationbook.hematologylibrary.org/content/2015/1/14.long

Drug-Induced Megaloblastic Anemia.
Hesdorffer CS, Longo DL
N Engl J Med. 2015 Oct 22;373(17):1649-58. Doi: 10.1056/NEJMra1508861.

Incidence of anemia in patients diagnosed with solid tumors receiving chemotherapy, 2010-2013.
Xu H, Xu L, Page JH, Cannavale K, Sattayapiwat O, Rodriguez R, Chao C.
Clin Epidemiol. 2016 Apr 18;8:61-71. Doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S89480
ABERTO: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4847604/

Cancer-related anemia: pathogenesis, prevalence and treatment.
Birgegård G, Aapro MS, Bokemeyer C, Dicato M, Drings P, Hornedo J, Krzakowski M, Ludwig H, Pecorelli S, Schmoll H, Schneider M, Schrijvers D, Shasha D, Van Belle S.

Oncology. 2005;68 Suppl 1:3-11. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1159/000083128

Liberal versus restrictive transfusion thresholds for patients with symptomatic coronary artery disease.
Carson JL, Brooks MM, Abbott JD, Chaitman B, Kelsey SF, Triulzi DJ, Srinivas V, Menegus MA, Marroquin OC, Rao SV, Noveck H, Passano E, Hardison RM, Smitherman T, Vagaonescu T, Wimmer NJ, Williams DO
Am Heart J, v. 165, n. 6, p. 964-971 e1, Jun 2013.

Red blood cell transfusion: a clinical practice guideline from the AABB.
Carson JL, Grossman BJ, Kleinman S, Tinmouth AT, Marques MB, Fung MK, Holcomb JB, Illoh O, Kaplan LJ, Katz LM, Rao SV, Roback JD, Shander A, Tobian AA, Weinstein R, Swinton McLaughlin LG, Djulbegovic B; Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee of the AABB. https://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/1206681/red-blood-cell-transfusion-clinical-practice-guideline-from-aabb

Introduction of national guidelines for restrictive blood transfusion threshold for hip fracture patients – a consecutive cohort study based on complete follow-up in national databases.
Bjarke Viberg, Per Hviid Gundtoft, Jesper Schønnemann, Lasse Pedersen, Lis Røhl Andersen , Kjell Titlestad, Carsten Fladmose Madsen, Jens Lauritsen and Søren Overgaard.
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2018) 13:116

Delirium outcomes in a randomized trial of blood transfusion thresholds in hospitalized older adults with hip fracture.
Gruber-Baldini AL, Marcantonio E, Orwig D, Magaziner J, Terrin M, Barr E, Brown JP, Paris B, Zagorin A, Roffey DM, Zakriya K, Blute MR, Hebel JR, Carson JL.
J Am Geriatr Soc, v. 61, n. 8, p. 1286-95, Aug 2013.

A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial of Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care
Paul C. Hébert, M.D., George Wells, Ph.D., Morris A. Blajchman, M.D., John Marshall, M.D., Claudio Martin, M.D., Giuseppe Pagliarello, M.D., Martin Tweeddale, M.D., Ph.D., Irwin Schweitzer, M.Sc., and Elizabeth Yetisir, M.Sc. the Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care Investigators for the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group

Lower versus higher hemoglobin threshold for transfusion in septic shock.
Holst LB, Haase N, Wetterslev J, Wernerman J, Guttormsen AB, Karlsson S, Johansson PI, Aneman A, Vang ML, Winding R, Nebrich L, Nibro HL, Rasmussen BS, Lauridsen JR, Nielsen JS, Oldner A, Pettilä V, Cronhjort MB, Andersen LH, Pedersen UG, Reiter N, Wiis J, White JO, Russell L, Thornberg KJ, Hjortrup PB, Müller RG, Møller MH, Steensen M, Tjäder I, Kilsand K, Odeberg-Wernerman S, Sjøbø B, Bundgaard H, Thyø MA, Lodahl D, Mærkedahl R, Albeck C, Illum D, Kruse M, Winkel P, Perner A; TRISS Trial Group; Scandinavian Critical Care Trials Group.
N Engl J Med, v. 371, n. 15, p. 1381-91

Impact of more restrictive blood transfusion strategies on clinical outcomes: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Salpeter, S. R.; Buckley, J. S.; Chatterjee, S. Am J Med, v. 127, n. 2, p. 124-131 e3, Feb 2014.

Transfusion Strategies for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Càndid Villanueva, M.D., Alan Colomo, M.D., Alba Bosch, M.D., Mar Concepción, M.D., Virginia Hernandez-Gea, M.D., Carles Aracil, M.D., Isabel Graupera, M.D., María Poca, M.D., Cristina Alvarez-Urturi, M.D., Jordi Gordillo, M.D., Carlos Guarner-Argente, M.D., Miquel Santaló, M.D., et al.

Transfusion Requirement in Burn Care Evaluation (TRIBE): A Multicenter Randomized Prospective Trial of Blood Transfusion In Major Burn Injury
Tina L Palmieri, MD, James H. Holmes, IV, MD, Brett Arnoldo, MD, Michael Peck, MD, ScD, Bruce Potenza, Amalia Cochran, MD, Booker T. King, MD, Col, William Dominic, Robert Cartotto, Dhaval Bhavsar, Nathan Kemalyan, Edward Tredget, MD, Francois Stapelberg, David Mozingo, MD, Bruce Friedman, MD, David G Greenhalgh, MD, Sandra L. Taylor, PhD, and Brad H. Pollock, PhD, MPH
Ann Surg. 2017 Oct; 266(4): 595–602.


TOP em um minuto

O estudo TOP verifica o efeito de limiar restritivo e liberal de transfusão de hemácias em neonatos.

PLADO em um minuto

O estudo PLADO avalia efeitos da dose de plaquetas no aparecimento de sangramento em trombocitopenia hipoproliferativa.

TRIPICU em um minuto

O estudo TRIPICU compara as estratégias restritiva e liberal de transfusão em pediatria e desmistifica o gatilho de 10 g/dl de Hb.

TRICC em um minuto

Essa é a mais importante evidência para derrubar o mito do gatilho de 10 g/dl de Hb para transfusão.

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O conteúdo deste site corresponde ao Manual de Uso Racional de Sangue 
Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Ceará – HEMOCE
2ª Revisão (08/04/2022).

Elaborado por: Luciana Carlos     Revisado por: Luany Mesquita     Aprovado por: Denise Brunetta

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